
At least 50 civilians, including children, injured by unexploded Israeli ordinance in Gaza

00:00 May 14 2015 Beit Lahyia

by IMEMC News - IMEMC News & Agencies

Palestinian medical sources said that 50 Palestinian civilians were injured on Thursday afternoon when an Israeli missile exploded near residents homes in Beit Lahyia town in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Three civilians were moved to hospital and were admitted to surgery after sustaining critical wounds, medical sources added.

According to witnesses, a missile that was fired by Israeli jetfighters and did not explode during last summer Israeli war on Gaza was found near residents’ homes on Thursday, when some local men tried to disarm it and remove it the missile went off causing huge damage and injuring 50 civilians.

Palestinian sources report that during the Israeli war on Gaza last summer, Jetfighters bombed Gaza with hundreds of live ammunition, scores of those missiles and bombs did not explode and continue to threaten the life of the civilian population of the coastal enclave.
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