
Israeli forces uproot Tubas olive trees

06:00 Feb 17 2015 Safayih on outskirts of Tayasir

TUBAS (Ma'an) – Israeli forces uprooted with bulldozers dozens of olive trees in the northern West Bank village of Tayasir east of Tubas on Tuesday, locals said.

Several Israeli military vehicles stormed an outskirt of Tayasir called Safayih in the early morning hours with officers of the Israeli ministry of environmental protection and the Civil Administration.

Then, a bulldozer they brought with them leveled the area uprooting olive trees and changing the surface of the ground in the area.

The attacked fields belong to Adnan Daraghmah. He was notified by the Israelis that the area was a military zone and that he couldn't plant or build any structures without obtaining permission from the Civil Administration.
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