
Further Settler Attacks reported in Hebron and Qalqilia

12:00 Nov 27 2014 Dura, Qalqilia

by IMEMC News & Agencies

Israeli settlers, on Thursday, attempted to kidnap a Palestinian minor to the south of Hebron, while others attacked a car shop and its owner in Qalqilia, according to security sources.

According to WAFA correspondence, settlers from the settlement "Nahal Negohot", built illegally on land west of Dura, to the south of Hebron, attempted to kidnap 11-year-old Amir Abu Sharar before local residents intervened and saved the child from abduction.

Meanwhile, in the area of Qalqilia, settlers attacked a car shop and severely beat the owner, Ahmad Abu Bakir, before fleeing the scene. Mr. Abu Bakir reportedly sustained bruises throughout his body and was transferred to a hospital for treatment.

WAFA notes that settler attacks -- which have been ongoing for years, with Israeli forces making no attempts to stop them -- have escalated recently in light of the current tension in the region, particularly in Jerusalem.

During the past week, several settler attacks and kidnapping attempts were reported.

Settlers reported to have attempted to kidnap 11 year old Amir Abu Sharar, Nov 27, 2014
Settlers attack shop and beat owner, Ahmad Abu Bakir, Nov 27, 2014
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