
Settlers assault Palestinian child after kidnapping him south of Jenin

18:00 Sep 15 2011 Haumash, dismantled settlement south of Jenin

JENIN, (PIC)-- A gang of young Jewish settlers attacked on Thursday night a young Palestinian boy in a village to south of Jenin. They then took him to the dismantled Haumash settlement and assaulted him before releasing him late at night.

Locals said that a group of settlers ambushed Khalil Hamamrah, 16 years, at the fringes of the village, they kidnapped and assaulted him before the IOF transferred him to the PA’s liaison office.

The boy said that the assailants were settlers in their teens and they want to rebuild the settlement which was evacuated in 2005 by the Israeli occupation authorities, adding that they threatened him and beat him.
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