
Israel sentences journalist, Amer Abu Arafeh, to six months in administrative detention

12:00 Aug 31 2011 Ofer prison, near Ramallah

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israel has sentenced Wednesday evening reporter of the Shehab News Agency Amer Abu Arafeh to six months in administrative detention.

Abu Arafeh received the decision Wednesday morning from the Ofer prison administration on grounds of being a threat to the Israeli state, SNA said quoting members of Abu Arafeh’s family.

His family was shocked that the ruling was made without formal charges being placed and without a hearing in an Israeli court. They confirmed that Abu Arafeh is currently behind bars in the Ofer prison near Ramallah city in the West Bank.

SNA condemned the decision, calling on rights groups and the local and international media to urgently intervene.

SNA considered the decision as part of a campaign Israel has launched against Palestinian and foreign reporters to force them to stop disseminating Israel’s crimes.

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