
Israeli forces detain 5 Palestinian teenagers in East Jerusalem

06:00 Feb 16 2014 al-Issawiya

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces raided East Jerusalem neighborhoods and detained five Palestinian teenagers early Sunday, locals said.

Locals in the al-Isawiya neighborhood told Ma'an that Israeli military vehicles entered the town at dawn and besieged several neighborhoods before troops detained teenagers.

The detained youths were identified as Yazan Muhammad Ali Ubeid, 17, Yousif Farid Ubedi, 16, Muhammad Ramadan al-Masri, 14, and Muhammad Ayman Dari, 14.

Separately, Israeli forces stormed the Bab Hutta quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem and detained Hamza Milhis after soldiers and intelligence officers ransacked his family home.

An Israeli police spokesman did not return phone calls seeking comment.
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