
Israeli forces raid hotel in Bethlehem and detain 2 Palestinians

18:00 Feb 1 2014 Bethlehem

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli soldiers stormed a hotel near Bethlehem's northern entrance on Saturday evening and detained two Palestinian men.

Local sources said that Israeli occupation forces raided the hotel and detained Raed Ayoub Daber and Nidal Khalifa.

The sources added that the pair were taken to an unknown destination.

An Israeli army spokeswoman did not immediately return calls seeking comment.

The raid occurred near Rachel's Tomb, which has been the site of near daily clashes in recent weeks.

The areas around the holy site are a frequent site of clashes because it is surrounded on three sides by the Israeli separation wall despite being in the middle of the Palestinian city of Bethlehem.

Israeli forces have opened fire on local youths during these demonstrations, injuring dozens with live bullets and rubber-coated steel bullets over the last two months.
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