
Israeli military court sentences Hamas leader to administrative detention

12:00 Aug 24 2011 Ofer Military Court, near Ramallah

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- The Israeli military court in Ofer on Wednesday sentenced Hamas leader Awad Eshtiye to six months in administrative custody, the Tadamun foundation for human right said.

Ahmed Al-Beitawi, a researcher with the foundation, said that the court would hold another hearing within days to stabilize the ruling against Eshtiye.

Eshtiye was arrested last Wednesday while on his way from Qalqilia to his hometown Salem village, east of Nablus city.

The Hamas leader served 12 years in Israeli occupation jails and 10 months in a PA prison in Jericho.

Eshtiye, a member of the Salem municipal council, suffers from high blood pressure and has undergone a catheterization operation five months ago.
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