
Ma'an office in Gaza re-opens

12:00 Nov 19 2013 Gaza

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Authorities in the Gaza Strip re-opened Ma'an News Agency's Gaza City office on Tuesday, after four months of closure.

The public prosecutor in the Hamas government handed the keys over to the head of the news agency's Gaza City office and its attorney.

On Saturday, Gaza premier Ismail Haniyeh issued a decision to re-open the office.

The decision was welcomed by Ma'an's administration.

The government in Gaza also announced Tuesday it would re-open Al-Arabiya TV's offices in the Gaza strip.

Al-Arabiya was closed along with Ma'an on July 25.

On Monday, Paris-based Reporters Without Borders welcomed the Hamas government's decision to let Ma'an re-open its Gaza City office.

"This decision is important for freedom of information in the Gaza Strip even if it just constitutes a return to normal," Reporters Without Borders said.

"It is positive, but it only rescinds a closure order that was arbitrary and unacceptable."

The group added: "Palestinian journalists must be able to cover sensitive subjects without being threatened or pressured by the authorities, political parties or armed groups."

When Gaza prosecutor-general Ismail Jaber closed Ma'an and Al-Arabiya in July, he accused them of "fabricating news and disseminating false rumors and baseless reports that threaten civil peace and undermine the Palestinian people's resistance."
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