
Witnesses: Israeli army detains 2 teens and in Beit Ummar

06:00 Aug 9 2011 Beit Ommar (Bayt Immar, Beit Ummar) and Idhna

HEBRON (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces detained two Palestinian teenagers overnight Tuesday in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar, locals said.

Soldiers detained Ahmad Jawabreh, 15, and Muhammad Eqtet, 16, after raiding their homes, popular committee spokesman Muhammad Awad told Ma'an.

Awad said a Molotov cocktail had been thrown at an army watchtower at the entrance to the town but caused no injuries.

A military spokeswoman said there were no arrests in Beit Ummar overnight.

She said three Palestinians were detained in Idhna, west of Hebron.

Meanwhile Yousef Abu Maria, a member of the national committee to resist the wall and settlements, said Israeli forces raided the Al-Mantara area. Soldiers fired stun grenades before entering homes, she added.

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