
Two, Including A 14-year old, Detained In Bethlehem

06:00 Oct 3 2013 Al-Khader, Husan

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday at dawn [October 3, 2013] the Al-Khader town, and Husan village, in the Bethlehem district, and kidnapped a youth and a child.

Palestinian sources said that dozens of soldiers invaded the Old Town in the Al-Khader, broke into a home and violently searched it before kidnapping one child, identified as Jihad Omar As-Seer, 14.

Soldiers also invaded Husan village, west of Bethlehem, and kidnapped one resident identified as Khattab Mohammad Hamamra.

In related news, Israeli media sources have reported that five soldiers were middy injured, on Wednesday evening, during clashes with local youth in the central West Bank district of Ramallah.

The sources said that one soldier was slightly injured as the army invaded Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, and four soldiers were injured in the Qalandia refugee camp, north of the city.

A settler woman was also reportedly injured after a number of residents hurled stones at her car driving near Atarot area, north of Jerusalem.

On Wednesday at night, undercover soldiers of the Israeli army kidnapped two Palestinians in Ein Al-Loza neighborhood, in Silwan town in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan has reported that the two residents have been identified as Daoud Rayyan, 22, and Mohammad Al-Abbasy.

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