
PCHR Weekly Report: Israeli troops injure 14 civilians, including 4 children this week

12:00 Sep 27 2013 West Bank and Gaza

by PCHR-Gaza

In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the week of 19- 25 September 2013, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that during the reporting period, Israeli forces wounded 14 civilians, including 4 children and 2 photojournalists.

2 Palestinian civilians were wounded in the east of Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip. In addition, a Palestinian child was wounded in the centre of Hebron, and 11 civilians were wounded during weekly non-violent protests.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

Israeli forces conducted 62 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. At least 45 Palestinian civilians, including 1 child, were abducted in the West Bank.

Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. At least 6 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, were abducted at checkpoints in the West Bank.

On 22 September 2013, a Palestinian boy was wounded in Hebron when some boys gathered and threw stones at Israeli soldiers stationed at the entrance of al-Shuhada' Street, south of the Old Town of Hebron. The Israeli soldiers fired sound bombs, tear gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets in response. As a result, a 16-year-old civilian was wounded by a rubber-coated metal bullet in the right thigh.

Following the killing of an Israeli soldier on 22 September 2013, Israeli forces carried out a series of collective punishment measures against Palestinian civilians in the city. They deployed between houses in the centre of the Old Town and declared the area a closed military zone. They raided many houses in different neighbourhoods, including Abu Snaina, Jabal Jawhar, Qatyoun, Jaber neighbourhood, Tal'at Abu Hadeed, al-Karantina, the vicinity of the Ibrahimi mosque and the vicinity of Tareq Ben Ziad School. Israeli forces also searched the houses, and damaged their contents. They kept their occupants in a room and took others to the vicinity of the above-mentioned school. In the meantime, Israeli forces stationed atop of a number of houses and turned them into military sites. Moreover, they informed occupants of those houses of the decision to seize the houses for military reasons. Israeli forces closed all entrances leading to Hebron and erected checkpoints. They also completely closed the entrance of al-Harayeq road linking Hebron with its southern villages. Israeli forces detained dozens of Palestinian civilians around Tareq Ben Ziad School and released them later, excluding 7 ones who remained in custody.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

In the Gaza Strip, on Friday, 20 September 2013, 2 Palestinian boys were wounded when Israeli forces stationed along the border fence to the east of al-Shuhada' cemetery, east of Jabalia, opened fire at a group of young men, who were about 100 meters away from the fence.

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See complete report at PCHR News Source Link
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