
Soldiers Kidnap Two Children In Jerusalem

04:05 May 21 2013 Abu Dis

by IMEMC & Agencies

sraeli soldiers kidnapped, on Tuesday at dawn, two Palestinian children in Abu Dis town, in occupied East Jerusalem, after breaking into their families’ homes and violently searching them.

Local sources reported that the army invaded the town, approximately at 4 at dawn, and kidnapped two children identified as Mohammad Khaled Jaffal, 14, and Mohammad Ziyad Jaffal, 13.

Abu Dis has been under repeated Israeli military attacks and invasions, leading to clashes with local Palestinians; dozens of injuries among the residents, including children, have been reported, and the army kidnapped dozens of Palestinians.

Also on Tuesday, Israeli bulldozers of the Jerusalem City Council demolished a Palestinian home in Khallit Al-Ein area, in At-Tour neighborhood, in occupied East Jerusalem.

On Monday, the army kidnapped two Palestinian schoolchildren returning home from school, in the Al-Wad Road area, in the Old City of East Jerusalem. The twin brothers were release on bail later on.

Human Rights groups in Palestine reported that 28 children have been kidnapped by the army in the first half of this month.

In related news, Israeli settlers of the Maon illegal settlement, attacked a physically challenged teenager in Yatta town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

Medial sources reported that Mohammad Ali Shawaheen, 16, suffered various bruises to different parts of his body, and was moved to a local Hospital.
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