
PCHR Weekly Report: 8 wounded, 52 abducted by Israeli forces this week

12:00 Apr 25 2013 West Bank and Gaza

by PCHR Gaza

In its Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the week of 18- 24 April 2013, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that a Palestinian civilian was wounded during an Israeli incursion, and a child was wounded near the annexation wall in the West Bank. In addition, 6 protesters, and an elderly woman, were wounded during peaceful protests against the annexation wall, settlement activities and imprisonment of Palestinians.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

During the past week, Israeli forces conducted at least 98 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During these incursions, Israeli forces abducted at least 52 Palestinians, including 6 children and a number of political leaders and members of Hamas movement.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces wounded 8 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children and a 70-year-old elderly woman, in the West Bank. Three of whom, including the elderly woman, were wounded during peaceful protests in Selwad village, northeast of Ramallah, protesting against the confiscation of lands for the interest of settlement activities. Moreover, three children were wounded; one of whom was abducted, during a protest organized by dozens of children at the southern entrance of al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah to support the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails. A Palestinian civilian was wounded when the Israeli forces moved into the above-mentioned refugee camp and opened fire at a group of boys and young men. Further, a child was wounded near the annexation wall in Jalaboun village in Jenin.

In the West Bank during incursions conducted by the Israeli forces a Palestinian civilian from al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah, was wounded on 18 April 2013.

On 24 April 2013, a Palestinian child was wounded when Israeli forces patrolled at the annexation wall in Jalaboun village, northeast of Jenin, opening fire on 2 children under the pretext that they attempted to cross the security fence. As a result, one of them was wounded while the other was abducted.

Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. 7 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were abducted at checkpoints.

Israeli forces have continued activities to create Jewish majority in occupied East Jerusalem. 7 residential apartments and 2 commercial stores were demolished.

On Thursday, 18 April 2013, Israeli forces raided al-Khader village, in the south of Bethlehem bulldozed two agricultural sheds under pretext of not obtaining a permit and building near the settlements. The destroyed sheds are located near "Daniel" and "Eliezer" settlement in the south of the village, and were established over 60 years ago, and were used as storage rooms for agricultural equipment.

On Saturday, 20 April 2013, Israeli forces, accompanied by a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration, raided 'Attous area, west of Beit Oula village, in the west of Hebron. An officer of the Civil Administration placed 7 evacuation notices in a number of lands that are adjacent to the wall, that included the confiscation of approximately 600 dunums of agricultural and grazing lands.

On Monday, 22 April 2013, Israeli forces, accompanied by military vehicles and a bulldozer, uprooted 150 olive trees in al-Marhan area, in the east of Beit Dujn village, in the east of Nablus. These trees were between aged 1 and 1 and a half year; this is the 5th time that Israeli forces have uprooted trees from the same plot of land within the past years, under pretext that it is a closed area for military reasons.

On Tuesday, 23 April 2013, Israeli forces bulldozed 11 tents used as residences and cattle barns, in al-Maleh valley area and the neighbouring Yarza village, in the Northern Valleys, in the northeast of Tubas. As a result, 30 civilians became homeless, including 20 children.

Also on Tuesday, Israeli forces uprooted 650 olive trees aged between 1 – 4 years, in Um Nir area, southeast of Yatta, in the south of Hebron. They also bulldozed a tent.

On the same day, Israeli forces destroyed a greenhouse of 420 square meters, and 5 meters in height, that was used to store harvest crops for exportation located in al-Shobasy area in Bardala village, east of Bypass Road No. 90, east of Tubas; its destroyed contents were: a large supply of cartons; 4 surveillance cameras; a computer; and a digital scale.

On Wednesday, 24 April 2013, Israeli forces bulldozed an under-construction house, two agricultural rooms and an 80 meters high wall of reinforced concrete, in Khlat al-Bas area, southeast of al-'Aroub refugee camp, in the north of Hebron.

On Wednesday, Israeli forces raided the western area of Ethna village, in the west of Hebron, and detained a number of construction workers while working on a water-well of 200 cubic meters, and banned them from continuing their work under pretext that this site has been given a notice to halt construction work, claiming that this area falls under Israeli security jurisdiction, according to the Oslo Accords.

On Wednesday, Israeli forces placed a notice with orders to halt construction on a site designed for building a medical clinic in the centre of the village. They also photographed the site.

On Wednesday, 24 April 2013, Israeli forces bulldozed 7 residential apartments and two shops in al-Tour village, in the occupied east Jerusalem. According to data acquired by PCHR, at approximately 08:00, Israeli forces, accompanied by two bulldozers and officers of the Israeli Municipality in Jerusalem, raided al-Hardoub neighbourhood in al-Tour village, in the occupied East Jerusalem. The bulldozers destroyed three apartments of 500 square meters, and 2 shops. The destroyed property belonged to Kayed Mohammed Abdallah Jaradat, and were destroyed under pretext of not obtaining a construction permit. In his statement, Jaradat said that his family occupies a house, adjacent to the bulldozed apartments, since 1997. He added that this is the third time that Israeli forces destroyed some of his property under pretext of not obtaining a construction permit, knowing that the family has been trying to obtain one for many years, but have been unsuccessful. Moreover, Jaradat said that the bulldozing made 40 members of his family homeless, 6 of them are disabled and 3 are blind.

In a relative context, Israeli forces raided al-Jadeed Street (al-Sahl) in al-Tour village, to bulldoze an under-construction housing building, under pretext of not obtaining a permit. The owner of the bulldozed building, Khamini Mohammed Hamdan, said that Israeli forces cordoned his building at early morning hours, but were unable to carry out with the bulldozing because the street leading to it was too narrow for the bulldozers to pass through. Therefore, Israeli forces bulldozed a number of shops and residential apartments that belong to him in another part of the village, returned later on and bulldozed the building. He added that the building is of two stories, each of 270 square meters, and has 4 apartments; he started building with a partner, Ziad Abu-Esbitan, six months ago, but was surprised to receive a demolition notice at the time. He also pointed out that he had tried to obtain a permit to continue with the construction, but was unsuccessful.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces conducted 2 limited incursions into the Gaza Strip. Both incursions were conducted in the east of Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip on the 22nd and 24th of April 2013. They levelled lands, however, no casualties were reported.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, southeast of Deir al-Balah in the centre of the Gaza Strip, abducted 2 children, who attempted to cross the borders into Israel.

Israel has continued to impose a total closure and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

Israeli settlement activities:

Israeli forces have continued to support settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

See PCHR News Source Link for full report
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