
Attempt to Break into Aqsa Mosque by Knesset Member Failed‏

12:00 Mar 27 2013 al-Aqsa mosque, Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, March 27, 2013 (WAFA) - The attempt of deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset Moshe Feiglin to break into al-Aqsa mosque on Wednesday failed after Palestinian worshipers lined up in a human barrier, which made the Israeli police prevent him from entering to prevent the fierce reactions of the provoked Palestinian worshipers, according to WAFA correspondent.

Feiglin made calls to the supporters of the Israeli extremist right wing, few days ago, to break into al-Aqsa mosque for Passover Sacrifices at the mosque’s yards.

Meanwhile, small groups of settlers, protected by Israeli police, broke into the mosque through Bab El-Magharbeh (Dung Gate) bridge.

The Palestinian ministry of foreign affairs, in a political statement, considered these acts, in addition to the escalated breaking of settlers into the mosque, a proof to the continued Israeli targeting of al-Aqsa mosque

The ministry said that these measures reflect the Israeli government’s plans to tense the situation and undermine the international and U.S. attempts to revive the peace process and serious negotiations.

It called on the international community and quartet to take the necessary measures to stop this aggression immediately.

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