
Settlers Attack Three Children Near Jerusalem

12:00 Mar 3 2013 Jaba'

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Sunday March 3, 2013; a group of fundamentalist Israeli settlers assaulted thee Palestinian schoolchildren in Jaba’ village, north of occupied East Jerusalem. The three are brothers; this is the second attack against them since Thursday.

Settlers Attack Three Children Near Jerusalem
author Monday March 04, 2013 07:37author by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies Report post

Sunday March 3, 2013; a group of fundamentalist Israeli settlers assaulted thee Palestinian schoolchildren in Jaba’ village, north of occupied East Jerusalem. The three are brothers; this is the second attack against them since Thursday.
Sunday March 3, 2013; a group of fundamentalist Israeli settlers assaulted thee Palestinian schoolchildren in Jaba’ village, north of occupied East Jerusalem. The three are brothers; this is the second attack against them since Thursday.

Mahmoud Abu Ghaya, a resident of the Al-Jahaleen Bedouin village, stated that the setters attacked three schoolchildren while walking to school inflicting various injuries.

The army arrived at the scene and prevented Yahia Habayeb, a local reporter working for the Ajyal Radio, from documenting the attack, and confiscated his camera.

Abu Ghaya added that Bedouin families in the area have been repeatedly attacked; adding that most attacks targeted schoolchildren.

Mohammad Ka’abna, the father of the three children, stated that the settlers have also attacked his children Bayan, 6, Amer and Ali, 9, last Thursday, and added that the settlers came from the Adam illegal settlement.

He further stated that one of his children is refusing to go to school fearing additional attacks by the settlers.
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