
Israeli forces fire tear gas at DFLP rally in Nablus

12:00 Mar 2 2013 al-Quds Street to Huwwara checkpoint, Nablus

Nablus, Palestine: Palestinian protester confronts Israeli soldiers, in solidarity with Palestinian hunger strikers at Huwara checkpoint March 2, 2013 (Photo by: Guevara Joudeh)

NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces fired tear gas at a Nablus rally on Saturday celebrating the 44th anniversary of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The rally, attended by hundreds of people, started at al-Quds street and walked toward Huwwara checkpoint. Israeli forces fired tear gas and stun grenades at protesters carrying Palestinian flags and shouting slogans in support of hunger strikers.

A number of people suffered tear gas inhalation and teenagers Omar Daraghmeh, 14, and Bilal Safoutta, 16, were arrested by Israeli forces, witnesses said.

An Israeli spokeswoman said "50 Palestinians took part in a violent and illegal riot and threw rocks at security forces, who responded with riot dispersal means."
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