
Israeli court extends prison period of longest held administrative detainee, Ahmed Nabahan Saqr

12:00 Jul 24 2011 Ofer prison

NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Israeli Ofer military tribunal has extended the period of administrative detention of one of the longest held Palestinian administrative detainees in Israeli prisons, the International Tadamun (Solidarity) Foundation for Human Rights has reported.

Tadamun researcher and legal expert Ahmed Tubasi said that an additional three months in administrative detention has been pinned on prisoner Ahmed Nabahan Saqr, from the Askar refugee camp near Nablus.

Saqr was first arrested on 28 November 2008 after a night raid on his home. He was then immediately transferred to administrative detention, without charge or trial.

The instance was the ninth time his period of detention had been extended.
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