
Settlers Cut 50 Olive Trees Near Bethlehem

12:00 Jan 17 2013 Husan

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

A number of extremist Israeli settlers cut, Thursday, more than 50 olive trees that belong to a resident of Husan town, west of the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Member of the Husan village council, Taha Hamara, told the Radio Bethlehem 2000 that a local villager went to his land to find his trees cut. He then went back to the village, and informed the village council of the attack.

The villager, Ahmad Sabateen, told the Radio that this is the fourth attack of its kind on his land, and added that he filed several complaints to the Israeli Police in Gush Etzion but to no avail.

On Tuesday, several Palestinian farmers, from Tequa’ village, east of Bethlehem, were injured after being attacked by a group of extremist settlers as they were heading to their lands.

Head of the Tequa’ Village Council , Taiseer Abu Mfarrih, stated that several members of the As-Sabah family were violently attacked and beaten by extremist settlers as they entered their own lands, close to the Nokadim illegal settlement, built on privately-owned lands that belong to the villagers.

Last month, settlers cut and uprooted more than 200 olive trees that belong to residents of Al-Jab’a village, west of Bethlehem.

Extremist settlers are responsible for numerous attacks against Palestinians villagers, their orchards and their property in different parts of the occupied West Bank.
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