
Palestinian prisoners' kids visit Israel

23:00 Jul 18 2011 Jerusalem

Ynet 19 July While Israel and the Palestinian Authority participate in a diplomatic battle as September looms ever nearer, 18 Palestinian children from the Dheisheh Refugee Camp near Bethlehem arrived in Israel on Monday to take part in the 'living color' summer camp together with children from Arab villages and cities in Israel ...

The group behind the initiative is the Jewish-Arab institute at Beit Berl ...

One of the participants, a 12-year-old girl whose father was charged with attempted kidnapping of an Israeli soldier said angrily: "My father had a very difficult life and I can't forget that -- vengeance is the right way." Mohammad Fuad al-Ham, whose father was also imprisoned in Israel, said that he feared that he would not be allowed to cross the border and would be forced to go back because of his father's actions. "I was very happy when I got to Israel and that I will be able to fulfill my dream -- to swim in the sea for the very first time. I want peace very much but I hate what the Israeli government is doing."
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