
WATCH: Soldier uses live ammunition on unarmed protesters, injuring teen

12:00 Nov 19 2012 Tuqu'

By Noam Sheizaf for +972
Published January 7, 2013

This footage was taken by B’Tselem during a protest against Israel’s Pillar of Defense operation against Gaza (November 19, 2012). The protesters – Palestinian high-school boys from Tuqu’, in the West Bank – are seen chanting and occasionally throwing stones at soldiers near Route 356. Neither the soldiers nor any passing car seemed to have been under threat.

At 1:53, you can see a soldier opening live fire, from a great distance, at the children. One boy, who was injured in his stomach, is carried away by other protesters. The shooter is immediately pushed away by another soldier.

B’Tselem has asked the army to investigate the incident.
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