
Israeli settlers attack Palestinian shepherds east of Bethlehem

18:00 Dec 21 2012 Beit Ta'mir


On Friday at night, the soldiers kidnapped Mit’eb Ismail An-Najjar, a former political prisoner and an employee of the Islamic Relief for Orphans in Yatta, after breaking into his home and violently searching it.

The soldiers also kidnapped resident Ibrahim Ash-Shawaheen at a roadblock installed at the entrance of the Al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron.

In Bethlehem, dozens of extremist Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian shepherds while herding their sheep in Beit Ta’mor village, east of Bethlehem. Hasan Brejiyyyah, head of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Bethlehem, reported that dozens of settlers of the Nokadim illegal settlement, attacked and shepherds and even attacked their flocks in an attempt to force them out of the area.

Israeli soldiers were present during the attack but did not attempt to stop or remove the settlers.


Settlers attack shepherds near Herodion

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Dozens of Jewish settlers on Saturday assaulted Palestinian shepherds in the village of Beit Taamar east of Bethlehem, a spokesman of a local popular committee against Israel’s wall and settlements said.

Hasan Breigiyeh told Ma’an that settlers from Nokdim settlement, where outgoing Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman lives, attacked local shepherds near Herodion.

The settlers, according to Bregiyyeh, stabbed some sheep.
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