
Soldiers Invade Several Areas Near Jenin during live-fire training

12:00 Oct 24 2012 An Nabī ‘Aqqābah and Al-Kafeer

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Israeli soldiers invaded, overnight, several areas near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and conducted military training in a number of villages while military helicopters flew overhead, local sources reported.

Dozens of Israeli soldiers and paratroopers were deployed in and around the villages of Al-Kafeer and Aqaaba, south of Jenin, and fired rounds of live ammunition while military helicopters fired flares as the army conducted its training.

It is worth mentioning that, a few days ago, an Israeli military helicopter had to conduct an emergency landing in the area due to a technical malfunction during training.

The areas in question witness repeated Israeli military invasions and attacks, while the army also frequently holds training, especially in mountain areas.

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