
Video: Israeli occupation forces arrest boy of the Old City of Jerusalem

12:00 Oct 5 2012 old Iron Gate, Jerusalem

القدس 5-10-2012 وفا- اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، اليوم الجمعة، الفتى المقدسي حسن عفيف حسن العفيفي (17عاماً)، من سكان باب الحديد بالقدس القديمة، بعد الاعتداء عليه.

وأفادت والدة الفتى العفيفي لـ 'وفا'، بأن اعتقال نجلها جاء إثر المواجهات العنيفة التي اندلعت في المسجد الأقصى، اليوم، مؤكدة أن نجلها المعتقل لم يؤد الصلاة بالمسجد الأقصى ولم يشارك بأية فعاليات.

وبينت أن حوالي 15 عنصرا من القوات الخاصة الإسرائيلية هاجموا نجلها أثناء وقوفه أمام منزله وضربوه بعنف حتى سالت دمائه على الأرض، إضافة إلى رشها بالغاز خلال محاولتها الدفاع عنه، ما أدى إلى إصابتها بالإغماء، مشيرة إلى أن نجلها نقل لمركز التوقيف والتحقيق 'المسكوبية' بالقدس الغربية.



English Translation:

Jerusalem 10/05/2012 (WAFA) - Israeli occupation forces arrested on Friday, the boy Conclave Hassan Afif Hassan Afifi (17 years), a resident of the old Iron Gate in Jerusalem, after he was attacked.

The boy's mother reported Afifi's 'Wafa', that her son's arrest came after violent clashes that erupted in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, today, stressing that her son detainee did not lead prayer Aqsa Mosque did not participate in any events.

It showed that about 15 element of the Israeli special forces attacked her son while standing in front of his house and beat him violently until lifeblood drained on the ground, in addition to spray gas through trying to defend him, what led to her fainting, noting that her son transferred to the detention center and the investigation 'Russian Compound' Jerusalem Bank.


Video: Israeli forces smash Palestinian child’s head to ground near Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa

by Ali Abunimah on Fri, 10/05/2012

Video: Israeli forces smash Palestinian child’s head to ground near Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa

by Ali Abunimah for Electronic Intifada

A video shows Israeli occupation forces in Jerusalem smashing the head of a Palestinian boy on the ground during a violent arrest, after Israeli troops stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in eastern occupied Jerusalem this morning.

The brief clip shows a boy being dragged by black-clad occupation soldiers. As the boy screams “khalas” – “enough” or “stop” – the soldiers throw him to the ground. One soldier punches the boy in the side of the head, smashing his head into the stone floor.

The video was posted on the YouTube account of QNN, a Palestinian news group that operates on Facebook. QNN identified the child as Hasan al-Afifi of the Bab al-Hadid area of the Old City of Jerusalem. The videographer is identified as Amjad Arafa.

On its Arabic website, Wafa, the official Palestinian news agency reported:

Israeli occupation forces arrested, today Friday, the Jerusalemite teenager Hasan Afif Hasan al-Afifi (age 17), of Bab al-Hadid in the Old City, after they attacked him. Al-Afifi’s mother told Wafa that her son was arrested during the violent confrontations that occurred at the Al-Aqsa mosque today, and that her son was nowhere near the mosque and did not participate in any activities.

She stated that 15 members of Israel’s special forces attacked her son as he stood outside his house and beat him violently until his blood ran on the ground, and they sprayed her with gas as she tried to defend her son which led to her passing out. She indicated that her son was transferred to the Russian Compound interrogation and detention center in West Jerusalem.

Palestinian children in Jerusalem are frequently targeted by Israeli occupation forces. Some 700 are arrested and detained annually in the city alone and are routinely subjected to cruel, violent and illegal abuses.
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