
Renewed Clashes Reported Ras Al-Amoud In East Jerusalem

22:00 Sep 30 2012 Ras Al Amud and Silwan, East Jerusalem

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

A Palestinian woman and a teenage girl were injured, on Monday evening, after Israeli soldiers broke into their home in Ras Al-Amoud neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, following clashes that took place between dozens of Palestinian youths and Israeli soldiers.

Local sources reported that the clashes erupted after a number of Israeli soldiers attempted to kidnap a Palestinian man identified as Rami Mohammad Ali, 30, from the Anata refugee camp in Jerusalem.

Medical sources said that a Rania Az-Zaghal, 27, and Nadin Az-Zaghal, 13, were injured after the soldiers broke into their home and attacked them. Rania was moved to Hadassah Israeli hospital.

Dozens of youths hurled stones at the invading Israeli soldiers while the army fired gas bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets.

Also on Monday evening, clashes were reported at the Qalandia terminal, north of Jerusalem. The soldiers fired gas bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets at the residents; several Palestinians were treated for the effects of teargas inhalation, no arrests were reported.

Clashed erupted, on Sunday at night, in Ras Al-Amoud when soldiers arrested four Palestinian men accused of shooting at settlers. Israeli media announced that four soldiers were lightly wounded in the clashes.

On Sunday evening, Israeli policemen kidnapped Khaldoun Sarhan, from Silwan town, in occupied East Jerusalem.

Sahran was kidnapped after the army broke into a local factory, and was taken to an interrogation center.

It is worth mentioning that Sahran was initially kidnapped on September 22, and was imprisoned for several days as the soldiers wanted to prevent him for marking the anniversary of the death of one of his relatives who was killed by the army.

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