
Israel To Build New Settler-Road Near Qalqilia

18:51 Sep 26 2012 Izbit At-Tabeeb

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

The so-called Israeli Civil Administration Office, run under the Israeli Military in the occupied West Bank, is planning to pave a new road to be used by Jewish settlers, in the northern West Bank district of Qalqilia.

The new planned road will be built on expense of privately-owned Palestinian lands that belong to villagers of Izbit At-Tabeeb, Nabi Elias and Azzoun.

Izbit At-Tabeeb is located in Area C of the occupied West Bank falling under Israeli military and administrative control, and Israel refuses to recognize it while the residents are facing constant threats of been removed from their own homes and lands.

Residents of the village told the Arabs48 News Website that Israeli officials arrived at the village and starting placing markers on the villagers’ lands, and when asked about what they were doing, the officials said that a previously planned settler road will be built soon, and will lead to the confiscation of lands that belong to the villagers of Izbit At-Tabeeb and a number of nearby villages.

The residents objected to what was happening and forced the Civil Administration team to leave, and the team said they will be back “under protection of the military”.

The Village Council in Izbit At-Tabeeb issued a press release stating that the villages in the area will resist this new Israeli plan, and will continue their nonviolent activities to counter the illegal Israeli violations, Israel illegal Annexation Wall and settlements.

It is worth mentioning that Israel also intends to demolish a medical services center in the village under the pretext of being built without a permit.

The Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in the village said that its weekly nonviolent protest this Friday will also be held to resist this new plan, and called on Israeli and International peace activists to support their protest and help the residents defend their homes and lands.
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