
Israeli Army uprooting olive trees in Qusra

10:09 Jul 17 2012 Qasra (Qusra)

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Beesan ‏@BeesanRam

#IOF truck guarded with several army jeeps is currently uprooting olive trees at #Qusra village entrance near Majdolim colony #Nablus


NABLUS, July 17, 2012 (WAFA) – Israeli forces Tuesday uprooted around 30 olive trees and razed the land where the trees were planted and surrounding area in the village of Qasra, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, according to a local activist.

Ghassan Daghlas, in charge of settlements file in the Palestinian Authority in the northern part of the West Bank, said the Israeli army claimed this land has been confiscated and its Palestinian owners have no right to plant it or use it for any purpose.



by Jack Muir - IMEMC & agencies

On Tuesday, the Israeli army of occupation destroyed farmland belonging to a Palestinian family in the village of Qasra near Nablus in the northern part of the West Bank.

The Israeli army destroyed land belonging to Mohammad Shahadeh and Saqer Shahadeh on Tuesday. They razed the fields surrounding about 30 olive trees and then proceeded to uproot the trees. The village has come under attack before from settlers living in the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Aish Kodesh. In November 2011 in separate attacks, settlers uprooted trees and pelted Palestinian cars with stones.

Destroying farmland is a common tactic used by the Israeli army and illegal settlers to deprive villagers of their livelihood drive Palestinian families from their homes.
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