
Israeli Forces Seize Five Water Tankers in Jordan Valley

00:00 Jun 19 2012 al-Buqia area of Jordan Valley (exact coordinates unknown)

JORDAN VALLEY, June 19, 2012 (WAFA) –Israeli forces Tuesday seized five water tankers in al-Buqia area of the Jordan Valley, the only source of water in some parts of the occupied Valley, according to local official.

Aref Daraghme, head of Wadi al-Maleh village council, said that Israeli forces seized the tankers that were used to supply parts of the occupied Jordan Valley with drinking water, leaving several families that depend on animal husbandry for a living with no water.

Local residents in these remote areas of the Jordan Valley rely on tankers for their daily water supply since the Israeli authorities prohibit development in these areas in an attempt to drive residents away from their land in order to seize it.

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