
Israel Prevents Jerusalem Sheikh From Entering Al-Aqsa Mosque

06:00 May 25 2012 al-Maskobiyya detention center, Jerusalem (coordinates unknown at this time)

by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

The Israeli Authorities ordered Sheikh Ra’fat Sameeh Najeeb, 30, from Al-Wad area, in occupied East Jerusalem, from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque for four months.

Najeeb was kidnapped by Israeli soldiers and policemen after they invaded his home, on Friday at dawn, cuffed and blindfolded him before moving him to the Al-Maskobiyya detention center in Jerusalem.

He was released after being ordered to pay a NIS 10.000 fine, and was prevented from entering the Al-Aqsa mosque, were he prays, from a period of four months that could be renewed without legal procedures.

Israel repeatedly issues similar orders against sheikhs, imams and Islamic leaders in the country under different pretest that include, but not limited to “incitement to commit violence”.

Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in the country faced similar illegal orders due to his political activities, including his participation with the Freedom Flotilla that was heading to Gaza to deliver humanitarian supplies in 2010 before it was pirated by the Israeli Navy; nine Turkish activists were killed.

On Monday, dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded main yard of the Al-Aqsa mosque forcing dozens of Muslim worshipers out of the compound so that some settler groups can tour it.
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