
Israeli Army Demands Farmers Remove 1400 Olive Trees in Wadi Qana

00:00 May 1 2012 Wadi Qana

by William Temple - 1 of International Middle East Media Center Editorial Group

On 25 April Israeli Occupation Forces demanded farmers remove 1400 Olive Trees in Wadi Qana, near Deir Istiya, Salfeet District. On 1 May the Israeli Army came to carry this out but was repulsed by groups of Palestinians, Israelis and Internationals

On April 25, 2012, the International Womens Peace Service (IWPS) reported that nine farmers of Deir Istiya, Salfeet District, had been given orders by the Israeli Army to uproot 1400 olive trees in the Wadi Qana agricultural area by May 1, 2012. This was the largest order for uprooting trees that the farmers of Wadi Qana had ever been given. Most of the trees were planted about 5 years ago on privately owned Palestinian land. The orders were placed on retaining terraces, rocks and fences in the vicinity of the trees, and stated that if the farmers did not uproot their trees they would face punishment which could, according to Deir Istiya Mayor, Nazmi Salman, include large fines and imprisonment.

On 2 May, the IWPS reported the farmers as saying that it is not 1,400 trees but over 2,000 trees that are at risk. The Israeli army went there yesterday, May 1st, the deadline date for the farmers to uproot their own trees. They came prepared to start the work but were met by a large number of Palestinians, Israelis and internationals. About 100 armed settlers with their guns and children also descended from the many surrounding hill-top settlements. There was a tense confrontation but eventually the stand-off came to an end peacefully and everyone withdrew.

There is no doubt the Israeli Army will be back.
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