
Army Abducts Eight Palestinians in Bethlehem and Ramallah

12:00 Sep 19 2024 al-Dawha (الدوحة, Doha), Bethlehem(بيت لحم), Beit Rima (بيت ريما), and Kafr Ein (كفر عين)

Army Abducts Eight Palestinians in Bethlehem and Ramallah
Scene in Jerusalem. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Sep 19, 2024

On Thursday, Israeli soldiers abducted eight Palestinians from their homes in Bethlehem and Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank.

Media sources reported that Israeli soldiers abducted Dirar Mohammad Al-Afifi, 32, and his brother Qussai, 25, along with Ibrahim Khader Masalma, 34, from the town of Doha, west of Bethlehem, after invading and ransacking their homes.

The sources added that, in the Karkafa area of Bethlehem city, Israeli soldiers also abducted Ahmad Issa Zawahra, 23, and his brother Ehab, 25, as well as Ahmad Riyad Zawahra, 19, after storming and searching their homes.

In Ramallah, in the central West Bank, the soldiers invaded and searched several homes in Beit Rima and Kafr Ein towns, before abducting Hamza Ata Zidani and Nathem Abul-Rahman D’eis.

Earlier Thursday, Israeli soldiers abducted 13 citizens from their homes in Qalqilia and Jayyous, located in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

[See also Beit Rima Raid (2001)]

Dirar Mohammad Al-Afifi, his brother Qussai, and Ibrahim Khader Masalma detained 9/19/2024.
Ahmad Issa Zawahra, his brother Ehab, and Ahmad Riyad Zawahra detaied 9/19/2024.
Nathem Abul-Rahman D’eis detained 9/19/2024.
Hamza Ata Zidani detained 9/19/2024.
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