
Israeli Soldiers Abduct 13 Palestinians in Qalqilia

12:00 Sep 19 2024 Qalqilia (قلقيلية) and Jayyous (جيوس)

Israeli Soldiers Abduct 13 Palestinians in Qalqilia
Scene. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Sep 19, 2024

Earlier Thursday, Israeli soldiers abducted 13 citizens from their homes in Qalqilia and Jayyous, located in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources reported that Israeli forces stormed the city of Qalqilia from its eastern and northern entrances, patrolling several neighborhoods, particularly Souq, Kafr Saba, and Naqqar.

The sources added that the soldiers stormed and ransacked several homes, abducting Jamal Hindi, Shaher Al-Ra’ey, Maher Al-Ra’ey, and his wife Margaret after invading their homes, searching them, and causing damage.

The soldiers also invaded the village of Jayyous, east of Qalqilia, and abducted Saed Samha, Mohammad Abu Sa’da, Mo’nes Khaled, Abdul-Halim Khaled, Mahmoud Ahmed Qaddoumi, Hassan Walid Qaddoumi, Hakam Sidqi Salim, Ala’ Faheem Shamasna, Dia’ Faheem Shamasna, and Sami Yasser Khreisha.

Jamal Hindi, Shaher Al-Ra’ey, Maher Al-Ra’ey, and his wife Margaret detained 9/19/2024.
Part 1 of 2: Saed Samha, Mohammad Abu Sa’da, Mo’nes Khaled, Abdul-Halim Khaled, Mahmoud Ahmed Qaddoumi detained 9/19/2024
Part 2 of 2: Hakam Sidqi Salim, Ala’ Faheem Shamasna, Dia’ Faheem Shamasna, and Sami Yasser Khreisha detained 9/19/2024.
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