
Israeli Colonizers Attack Bedouin Community Near Jericho

12:00 Jul 14 2024 Al-Mleihat Bedouin community, Jericho

Israeli Colonizers Attack Bedouin Community Near Jericho
Scene. Source: Screenshot. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
July 15, 2024

On Sunday, illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers attacked, twice, the Arab Al-Mleihat Bedouin community, northwest of Jericho in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Hasan Mleihat, the supervisor of the Al-Baidar Organization for Defending Bedouin Rights, said the colonizers sped into the village and drove around its dwellings.

Mleihat added that the colonizers killed a dog, owned by one of the villagers, after ramming it with their vehicle.

Several paramilitary colonizers also gathered near the Bedouin community and tried to prevent the Palestinians from entering or leaving it.

Earlier Sunday, the colonizers invaded the same community released their livestock between the tents and dwelling and broke into several barns.

Earlier this month, the colonizers invaded the village, and burnt agricultural lands. Last month, the colonizers invaded the community and demolished eleven residential structures.

The Bedouin community is subject to repeated Israeli violations and attacks by both the soldiers and the paramilitary colonizers.

On Sunday evening, illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers attacked Palestinian cars near the Al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah, and at the northern entrance of Al-Biereh city, in the central West Bank.
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