
Day 233 Update: At least 40 Palestinian Civilians Killed in Bombing of Tent Camp in Rafah

23:00 May 26 2024 Tal al-Sultan (معسكر تل السلطان)

Camps bombed. Published by IMEMC News

Fire rages following an Israeli strike on an area designated for displaced Palestinians, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, in this still picture taken from a video, May 26, 2024. REUTERS/Reuters TV Credit: Reuters/ REUTERS Published by Haaretz.

Palestinians put out a fire at the site of an Israeli strike on an area designated for displaced people, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 27, 2024. Credit: Mohammed Salem/ REUTERS Published by Haaretz.

Palestinians search for food among burnt debris in the aftermath of an Israeli strike on an area designated for displaced people, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, May 27, 2024. Credit: Mohammed Salem/ REUTERS Published by Haaretz.

Mourners react next to the bodies of Palestinians killed in an Israeli strike on an area designated for displaced people, during their funeral in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 27, 2024. Credit: Mohammed Salem/ REUTERS Published by Haaretz.

Map. Source: Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Published by The New York Times (NYT)
Map: Source: Imagery from Planet Labs on May 22, 2024By Josh Holder, Christiaan Triebert and Arijeta Lajka

Map. Kuwait al-Salam Camp 1. Source: Imagery from Planet Labs on May 22, 2024 By Josh Holder, Christiaan Triebert and Arijeta Lajka. Published by The New York Times (NYT)
[Note: These maps do not provide conclusive corroborated information at this time]

See additional videos at IMEMC News Source Link

by IMEMC News
May 27, 2024

The Israeli bombardment and artillery shelling of all parts of Gaza continued unabated throughout the day and night on Sunday, despite an International Court of Justice ruling on Friday ordering Israel to halt its aggressive attacks on the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.

Dozens of civilians, most of them children and women, were killed and injured this Sunday evening, in a new massacre committed by the Israeli occupation forces when they bombed the tents of displaced persons northwest of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Local sources reported that at least 40 civilians were killed, and others were injured, as a result of the occupation aircraft targeting the tents of the displaced in a newly established displacement camp near the warehouses of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) northwest of Rafah, while the Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that its crews transported a large number of refugees who were killed and injured when the Israeli occupation targeted the tents of displaced people in Rafah.

The sources continued that there are no hospitals capable of dealing with this large number of victims, as a result of the occupation putting the health system in the Gaza Strip out of service, whether by directly targeting it or by preventing the necessary supplies from reaching it, indicating that the bodies of the killed and the injured were transferred to field hospitals, which lack all but the most rudimentary first aid and have no surgical facilities or specialized care of any kind.

The sources added that the occupation aircraft fired at least 8 missiles towards the tents of the displaced, in an area crowded with thousands of displaced people, and that those inside the tents were burned, most of them children and women, noting that the Israeli occupation had declared this area “safe.”

Action Aid, a global humanitarian group said in a statement that it was “outraged and heartbroken by the recent attacks in West Rafah, where Israeli fighter jets launched eight missiles at makeshift shelters housing internally displaced persons (IDPs) next to UNRWA warehouses stocking vital aid”.

It added, “The images coming from our partners of burned bodies are a scar on the face of humanity and the global community, which so far has failed to protect the people of Gaza. One of our own ActionAid colleagues narrowly escaped this atrocity, having left the shelter just a day before the attack. But nobody’s safety is guaranteed in Gaza.”

The Israeli occupation forces continue their military operations in the city of Rafah and close the Rafah border crossing, despite the orders of the International Court of Justice in this regard .

In central Gaza, a number of Palestinians were killed on Sunday night when the Israeli occupation bombed a house in Gaza City.

A correspondent with the Palestinian Wafa news agency, quoting medical sources, reported that a number of killed and wounded were killed as a result of an Israeli missile targeting a home for the Al-Batran family in the Zarqa area, north of Gaza City. They were taken to the Baptist Hospital in the city.

Israeli occupation artillery also targeted east of Jabalia camp, north of Gaza.

The Israeli occupation aircraft carried out a raid targeting the north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

A number of civilians were killed and others were injured Sunday night in the Israeli bombing of a house west of the city of Rafah.

A correspondent with Wafa reported that 3 Palestinians were killed and a number of others were injured, as a result of the Israeli warplanes’ bombing of a house for the Dehliz family near the Badr Junction, west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The official spokesman for the Palestinian Presidency, Nabil Abu Rudeina, said that the Israeli occupation army’s deliberate targeting of the tents of the displaced in Rafah is a massacre that has exceeded all limits, and requires urgent intervention to immediately stop these crimes targeting the Palestinian people.

Abu Rudeina added that the Israeli occupation forces committing this heinous massacre is a challenge to all international legitimacy resolutions, most notably the clear and frank decision of the International Court of Justice that it is necessary to stop targeting the city of Rafah and provide protection for the Palestinian people.

He pointed out that the American position supporting the occupation financially and politically are the main reason for the heinous massacres we are witnessing today, during which the Israeli occupation authorities violated all taboos, and the American administration bears responsibility for these crimes that shame humanity.

The official presidential spokesman stressed that the world must act immediately to stop this comprehensive aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and oblige the Israeli occupation authorities to stop their crimes that have inflamed the region and threaten international stability.

He said: We call on the US administration to compel Israel to stop this madness and this genocide that it is carrying out, whether in Rafah, which we have repeatedly warned against invading, or in the cities of the Gaza Strip and closing their crossings in order to cause a humanitarian famine in light of an acute shortage of food and medicine, or in the West Bank, including it. East Jerusalem, which is subjected to continuous aggression targeting the Palestinian citizen and Islamic and Christian sanctities.

The Israeli occupation continues its aggression against the Gaza Strip, by land, sea and air, since the seventh of last October, which resulted in the martyrdom of 35,984 citizens, the majority of whom were children and women, and the injury of 80,643 others, in an infinite toll, as thousands of victims are still under the rubble.

updated from:

Day 233: “Ongoing Bombing Kills Dozens In Gaza”

Published on: May 26, 2024 at 10:07

On Sunday, Day 233 of the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians in the destroyed and starved Gaza Strip, Israeli missiles and shells killed and injured dozens of Palestinians, including women and children, in several parts of the coastal enclave.

Medical sources have reported that medics and rescue teams found the bodies of six Palestinians under the rubble of a home for the Qishta family after the army fired a missile at it in the Khirbet Al-Adas area, east of Rafah, in the Gaza Strip’s southmost part.

Casualties were also reported when the army fired artillery shells at the Yibna refugee camp, in the center of Rafah City, before they were moved to the Kuwaiti hospital, west of Rafah.

In addition, the army fired many artillery shells and live rounds at several areas in Rafah, including the Meat Market, causing casualties.

In central Gaza, the army fired a missile at an apartment in the Al-Eman Tower and a home in Nusseirat refugee camp.

The army also fired barrages of missiles and shells at several parts of northern Gaza, including Beit Lahia, Beit Hanoun, and Jabalia.

Sources at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza, said the Israeli army continued its strict siege on the medical facility.

The head of the hospital said that after many pleas and interventions, medics and rescue teams were able to leave the hospital to collect the corpses of dozens of slain Palestinians, especially after stray dogs started mauling them, and added that many of those corpses had advanced stages of decomposition.

Medical facilities in the northern parts of the Gaza Strip became unable to provide any treatment or care due to being targeted by the Israeli army and the siege imposed on them.

Many patients and seriously wounded Palestinians at Kamal Adwan Hospital urgently need to be transferred to other medical facilities, or outside the Gaza Strip, however, it remains surrounded and isolated by Israeli tanks and armored vehicles.

|Jabalia Camp Invasion: Israeli Troops Abduct 180 Palestinians|

In addition, the army fired many missiles and shells at various residential areas in Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia, wired and detonated many buildings, causing dozens of casualties.

In related news, a family in Gaza published a video of an Israeli missile that struck its home but did not explode.

It is worth mentioning that Abu Obeida, the spokesperson of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said the Qassam fighters killed and captured several Israeli soldiers inside a tunnel in Jabalia before the Israeli army fired many missiles at the area where the soldiers were killed and captured.

On the political level, Reuters quoted sources involved in efforts to achieve a ceasefire said the indirect mediated talks between Hamas and Israel will be resumed to achieve a ceasefire.

Israeli officials said that the prisoner-swap talks will be resumed based on new suggestions, but a senior Hamas official denied the said reports.

Palestinian Red Crescent Society staff at #AlAmalHospital in Khan Yunis performed surgery on the foot of an injured child after reactivating the operating room and resuming operations in the hospital’s surgery department. Filmed by: PRCS volunteer: Atallah Gaith

Furthermore, the Israeli army said that one officer was injured in gun battles with Palestinian fighters in northern Gaza.

Various countries around the world expressed outrage and disappointment that, in contravention of the World Court’s order to cease the attack in Rafah, Israel continues to ignore the ruling and is expanding its offensive there.

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese said, “Israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop.”

Albanese called for imposing sanctions on Israel for dyeing the International Court’s order and the will of the international community.

Al-Jazeera English said that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday ordered Israel to halt its offensive citing “immense risk” to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians taking shelter in Rafah, the southernmost part of Gaza. But Israel has continued attacks on Gaza, including Rafah, in defiance of the top UN court.”

Al-Jazeera added that, despite the court order, Israel continued its attacks on Rafah, especially the Shaboura refugee camp and all areas near the Kuwaiti Hospital, and killed more than 50 Palestinians in 24 hours.

It also said that “Craig Mokhiber, a former top UN human rights official, has questioned the US plan to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza through a temporary pier after the US said four vessels supporting the pier were washed away in the high seas on Saturday.”

However, the American Army said the pier remains functional and is still being used to deliver humanitarian aid.

It is worth mentioning that the Al-Quds News Network (QNN) published a video that contradicts the American allegations, showing a portion of the American pier that was washed away by sea eaves.

Israel has now killed at least 35.903 Palestinians and injured at least 80.420, largely women and children, in addition to the thousands of missing Palestinians, largely under the rubble of bombarded homes and buildings in several parts of the Gaza Strip, since October 7, 2023.

Palestinians report 45 killed in attack on tents housing displaced Gazans; The Israeli army claims the strike targeted Hamas officials and is investigating reports of 'uninvolved individuals' being hit; The EU's top diplomat demands Israel implement the ICJ ruling on Rafah

by Haaretz, The Associated Press, Reuters, Ben Samuels, Rachel Fink, Jack Khoury, DPA
May 27, 2024 9:42 am IDT

An Israeli airstrike ignited a massive blaze, killing 45 people in a tent camp in Gaza's city of Rafah, officials reported on Monday. The incident prompted an outcry from global leaders, who called for the implementation of a World Court ruling to halt Israel's assault.

Footage from the scene of the largest airstrike showed heavy destruction.

The IDF Spokesperson reported that the army conducted a strike on Sunday in Rafah, targeting senior Hamas members. This action was carried out "according to international law, using precise munitions, and based on prior intelligence indicating the use of the area by Hamas."

The IDF added that it is "aware of the claim that as a result of the strike and subsequent fire a number of uninvolved individuals were hit. The incident is being examined."

Israel's top military prosecutor described the incident as "very grave," adding that "The details of the incident are still under an investigation, which we are committed to conducting to the fullest extent," Major-General Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi told a conference hosted by the Israel Bar Association.

"The IDF regrets any harm to non-combatants during the war."

A spokesperson from the White House National Security Council stated that the U.S. is "aware of reports on an Israeli strike in Rafah and is gathering more information on the matter."

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was in Rafah earlier on Sunday and was briefed on the "deepening of operations" there, his office said.

Qatar said on Monday that the latest Israeli attack on Rafah could hinder mediation efforts to reach a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal, a foreign ministry statement said.

A spokesperson with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said the death toll was likely to rise as search and rescue efforts continued in Rafah's Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, about two kilometers (1.2 miles) northwest of the city center.

The society asserted that the location had been designated by Israel as a "humanitarian area." The neighborhood is not included in areas that Israel's military ordered evacuated earlier this month.

UNRWA said on Monday that reports of attacks on families seeking shelter in Rafah in the southern tip of the Gaza Strip were "horrifying".

"Information coming out of Rafah about further attacks on families seeking shelter is horrifying," UNRWA wrote on X.

"There are reports of mass casualties including children and women among those killed. Gaza is hell on earth. Images from last night are yet another testament to that."

A statement from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' office urged for "immediate international intervention" to halt "the crimes and massacre in Rafah."

Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri described the attack in Rafah as a "massacre", holding the U.S. responsible for aiding Israel with weapons and money.

"The air strikes burnt the tents, the tents are melting and the people's bodies are also melting," said one of the residents who arrived at the Kuwaiti hospital in Rafah.

French President Emmanuel Macron said he was "outraged" by the strikes, adding that "these operations must stop."

"There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians. I call for full respect for international law and an immediate cease-fire," Macron said.

The EU foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, said on Monday that
Israel is pushing ahead with military action in southern Gaza despite a ruling by the International Court of Justice urging the country to immediately halt its push.

The ICJ must be implemented, Borrell said ahead of a EU foreign ministers' meeting, adding he would also work towards reaching a political decision on the launch of a dedicated EU border assistance mission for the Rafah border crossing known as EUBAM.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that the ICJ's ruling is binding and must be respected,

"No Israeli hostage will be freed if more people now have to shelter in tents," Baerbock said.

"International humanitarian law applies for all, also for Israel's conduct of the war," she added.

Italy said on Monday that Israeli attacks were no longer justifiable in one of the strongest criticisms Rome has made so far against Israel's campaign.

"There is an increasingly difficult situation, in which the Palestinian people are being squeezed without regard for the rights of innocent men, women, and children who have nothing to do with Hamas and this can no longer be justified," Defense Minister Guido Crosetto told a local TV station.

Saudi Arabia, along with several Arab countries also condemned the strike.

Egypt condemned "Israeli forces' deliberate bombing of displaced people's tents in the Palestinian city of Rafah … in a new and blatant violation of the provisions of international law," a Foreign Ministry statement said.

The United Arab Emirates condemned the attack on Monday and said Israel was targeting tents of displaced people in Rafah, the foreign ministry said in a statement. It stressed the importance of implementing the ICJ's ruling that demanded Israel immediately halt its military operations in Rafah.

Jordan and Kuwait condemned "war crimes" committed by Israel in Gaza and urged the international community to compel Israel to adhere to the recent decision of the ICJ, which ordered Israel last week to halt its assault on Rafah.

AIPAC came out with their own strongly-worded statement on Monday, posted to their X account, in which they called the images coming out of Rafah "horrific" and "a terrible tragedy." AIPAC placed the blame for the mass casualties squarely on Hamas, calling them a result of their "evil strategy of hiding its leadership, fighters, and weapons amid and beneath Palestinian civilians."

"Hamas started this war by showcasing its disregard for Israeli lives, and every day since it also shows its disregard for Palestinian lives by using them as human shields," the tweet went on to say. "To help bring an end to this war, international pressure on Hamas must increase to force the terror group to surrender and free the hostages."

The liberal Jewish group J-Street issued a statement calling for an end to operations in Rafah. "We are extremely distressed by images and reports emerging from the displaced persons camp," a post on the group's X account reads. "Operations in Rafah cannot continue without adequate protection for civilians sheltering there, and those forced to flee."

On Friday, the ICJ ordered Israel to halt any military operation in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza that harms civilians.

"Israel must immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part," the court's president said.
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