
Israeli Colonizers Attack Aid Trucks, Citizens, in the West Bank

12:00 May 19 2024 Jericho governorate (محافظة أريحا), Wadi Qana (وادي قانا), Masafer Yatta, Tarqumiyah (ترقوميا) crossing, & Yatma (يتما)

Israeli Colonizers Attack Aid Trucks, Citizens, in the West Bank
Israeli settlers & soldiers. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
May 20, 2024

Illegal Israeli colonizers carried out, on Sunday, a series of attacks against Palestinian citizens and their property in the governorates of Jericho, Salfit, and Hebron, in the northeastern, central, and southern parts of the West Bank.

On Sunday afternoon, Israeli settlers hurled rocks at Palestinian-owned vehicles, northwest of the city of Jericho in the northeastern part of the West Bank, causing damage.

In the evening, colonizers hurled rocks at Palestinian-owned vehicles traveling south of Jericho, causing damage.

In the central occupied West Bank, Israeli colonizers confiscated a grain truck in Wadi Qana, northwest of Salfit, on Sunday evening.

Media sources said that colonists seized a feed truck owned by the citizen, Salloum Muhammad Ramadan, in the Al-Mayadeen area.

It was added that occupation forces abducted Palestinian farmer, Nassim Saeed Al-Khouli, 23, from the area.

On Sunday morning, Israeli colonizers assaulted a Palestinian shepherd in the “Al-Ain Al-Bayda” area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that settlers assaulted the citizen, Mahmoud Hassan Daoud, causing various bruises and injuries, while occupation forces abducted an unidentified young man.

On Sunday afternoon, a group of extremist colonizers attacked two aid trucks loaded with food supplies heading for the Gaza Strip, at the Tarqumiyah crossing, northwest of Hebron.

Media sources said that a group of settlers destroyed some of the supplies, throwing it on the ground, with the aim of blocking aid to the besieged and destroyed Gaza Strip.

It was added that this attack is the eight of its kind by illegal settlers, under army protection, at the Tarqumiyah crossing since the beginning of the Israeli military onslaught against the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023.

In related news, at least one hundred colonizers set fire to vehicles and agricultural land in the village of Yatma, south of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank.

Israeli settlers reporting stoning Palestinians vehicles northwest & south of Jericho city 5/19/2024
~100 Israeli settlers reported setting fire to Palestinian vehicles 5/19/2024
Israeli settlers reported seizing grain truck owned by Salloun Muhammad Ramadan 5/19/2024
Israeli settlers reported assaulting Palestinian shepherd, Mahmoud Hassan Daoud, while abducting another, unidentified, Palestinian 5/19/2024
Extremist Israeli settlers reported vandalizing two aid trucks bound for Gaza 5/19/2024. This is 8th settler attack on aid trucks reported at this crossing since Oct 7, 2023..
At least 100 Israeli settlers reported setting fire to Palestinian vehicles and farmland 5/19/2024
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