
First mortgage loan offered to Palestinian families in Area C

12:00 Apr 18 2012 al-Aqaba, Jordan Valley

from Rebuilding Alliance

Last month, on March 14th 2012, the Al Aqaba Village Council issued building permits, a first in the West Bank's "Area C." I am so proud to tell you that this month, on April 14th 2012, Rebuilding Alliance and the Al Aqaba Cooperative Assembly for Housing Displaced signed a historic mortgage loan agreement to finance construction of the first three homes in our “Rebuilding to Remain” program.

This may well be the first mortgage loan offered to Palestinian families in Area C, the 62% of the West Bank where the Israeli Army is not approving Palestinian town plans or issuing building permits. Unlike any bank loan, our affordable mortgage loan suspends repayment if the home is demolished, until occupancy is restored.

Our goal, as stated in our loan agreement, is to "help families from Al Aqaba Village build affordable, expandable homes on the land they own, to affirm the right of the Village Council of Al Aqaba to issue building permits in accordance with the Al Aqaba Town Plan, and to keep these homes and this village standing. 97% of this Palestinian West Bank village is under demolition order by the Israeli Army. Together, Rebuilding Alliance and Al Aqaba are asserting the villagers’ rights to build a home on the land they own and live there safely and securely, as good neighbors locally and throughout the region."

Will Al Aqaba's building permits and our mortgage loan be enough to keep this village standing? It is a brave start. It is not sufficient. Just this morning, Israeli Army bulldozers destroyed Peace Street (for the 3rd time) and also a newly paved road. Through the good work of the Jerusalem Legal Aid & Human Rights Center, this time, they did not destroy any homes.

So what IS required to make these new permits and mortgage loans solid? Policy change — All of Us, engaged at the grassroots, pressing our elected officials to intervene for good.

For those in the Washington DC area, please join us this Saturday at the Nur Center in Falls Church Virginia to hear a presentation entitled, "World in Solidarity: from Poland to Palestine." Filmmaker Jolanta Chojecka Kessler will show her film about the Polish Solidarity Movement and join me in discussion. Nur Center is also hosting a Palestine Bazaar from 2-5pm, (a fundraiser for Al Aqaba) including Organic Fair Trade Olive Oil, with our presentation to follow from 7-9pm.

With sincere gratitude,

Donna Baranski-Walker
Founder & Executive Director, Rebuilding Alliance

P.S. Your support of our Rebuilding to Remain program makes all this possible! From now until Mother's Day, when you donate $100 or more on, we'll send a Thank You Gift of Oganic Olive Oil and Za'atar, fair trade from Palestine!

P.P.S. Let me explain the photos above: In the banner, construction of our 3 homes in Al Aqaba as of a week ago when I visited. Then Mayor Haj Sami Sadeq and the signatories of the Al Aqaba Cooperative Assembly for Housing Displaced, signing the Loan Agreement. Next my hand on the Agreement as I sign the English and Arabic versions, following unanimous approval of the Rebuilding Alliance Board of Directors and review by key advisers. Lastly, me with the agreements and Martin, my husband, who signed as witness.
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