
Israeli Forces Kill a Palestinian Child Near Jerusalem

12:00 Feb 5 2024 Israeli military roadblock near Al-Eizariya (العيزرية)

Wadih Shadi Owaisat, 14. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Feb 5, 2024

Israeli soldiers, on Monday, shot and killed a Palestinian child at a military roadblock, near the town of Al-Eizariya east of occupied Jerusalem.

Media sources said that occupation forces shot a child after he allegedly tried to stab a soldier, although there were no reports of any injuries among soldiers.

Sources identified the slain child as Wadih Shadi Owaisat, 14, a resident of the town of Jabal Al-Mokabber.

A video taken by an eyewitness shows the injured child laying motionless on the ground.

An Israeli soldier approached the child and shot him at point blank range.
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