
Israeli Forces Kill a Palestinian Near Jenin

18:00 Jan 26 2024 Deir Abu Da’if (دير ابو ضعيف)

Israeli Forces Kill a Palestinian Near Jenin
Qassam Ahmad Abdul-Karim Yassin. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Jan 27, 2024

Israeli forces killed, on Friday night, a Palestinian young man in the village of Deir Abu Da’if, east of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank.

Israeli forces invaded the village of Deir Abu Da’if, east of Jenin and closed its entrances, sparking protests among local Palestinian youths.

Soldiers broke into many citizens’ homes, while sharpshooters positioned on the rooftops of homes opened fire at Palestinians.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said its ambulance crews transported a seriously injured Palestinian young man to hospital after he was shot with live ammunition by the army.

Later, medical sources at the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin announced that Qassam Ahmad Abdul-Karim Yassin, 27, succumbed to a serious gunshot wound to the abdomen.

In related news, the army deployed soldiers near the towns and villages of Al-Jalama, Arrana, Beit Qad, Jalqamus, and Jalbun in the Jenin governorate.

Furthermore, soldiers assaulted two Palestinian young men from the town of Ya’bad, when they were passing through a flying military roadblock near the village of Zababda, southeast of Jenin.
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