
Soldiers Summon A Palestinian For Interrogation, Prevent Dozens From Entering Al-Aqsa

12:00 Apr 26 2023 Chain Gate ( باب السلسلة) at al-Aqsa Compound ( ٱلْمَسْجِد ٱلْأَقْصَىٰ)

Soldiers Summon A Palestinian For Interrogation, Prevent Dozens From Entering Al-Aqsa Soldiers Summon A Palestinian For Interrogation, Prevent Dozens From Entering Al-Aqsa
Scene. Published by IMEMC News
Nafisa Khweiss. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
April 27, 2023

On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers at the Chain Gate (Bab Al-Silsila) near the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem summoned a young Palestinian man for interrogation and prevented dozens from entering the holy site.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers summoned Ayyoub Zaheda for interrogation after alleging he “violated” a previous order barring him from entering the holy site.

They added that the soldiers also prevented dozens of Palestinians from entering the holy site, including Nitham Abu Ramouz and Nafisa Khweiss, who were often detained, interrogated, and ordered not to enter the holy compound and its vicinity.

Abu Ramouz was handed an order barring him from entering Al-Aqsa for six months, while Khweiss was ordered not to enter the holy site until next July. Last year, Khweis was barred from entering Al-Aqsa for six months.

Whenever she is banned from entering the holy site, Khweiss goes to the nearest alley to pray as close as she can to Al-Aqsa despite attacks and being forced away.
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