
Israeli Army Abducts 28 Palestinians In West Bank

06:00 Mar 22 2023 Beit Ummar (بيت اُمّر ), Dura (دورا), al-Fawwar, Aqabat Jaber, Ein Al-Sultan & Askar refugee camps, al-Dawha(الدوحة), al-Walaja, Ya'bad, at-Tour, al-Ezariya, Anata, Silwan, & Khirbet Abu Falah

Israeli Army Abducts 28 Palestinians In West Bank
Scene. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
March 22, 2023

On Wednesday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted twenty-eight Palestinians, including siblings, from several parts of the occupied West Bank.

The soldiers invaded and ransacked dozens of homes across the West Bank and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

Twenty-five of the abducted Palestinians were taken from their homes, and three were taken prisoner near Bethlehem after the soldiers stopped their car and took them to an unknown destination; their names remained unknown at the time of this report.

The 24 abducted Palestinians, who have been identified, are:

Mohammad Ibrahim Sabarna, 30, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
Osama Mohammad Sabarna, 22, Beit Ummar – Hebron.
Mohammad Mahmoud Sabarna, 21, Beit Ummar, Hebron.
Mohammad Khalil Al-Allami, 21, Beit Ummar- Hebron.
Anas Shadi, Doura – Hebron.
Abdullah Al-Qassas, Al-Fawwar refugee camp – Hebron.
Mazen Mohammad Zawahra, Doha – Bethlehem.
Mousa Sheikh, Al-Walaja – Bethlehem.
Ahmad Mahmoud Abu Bakr, Ya’bad – Jenin.
Yanal Kamel Abu Shamla, Ya’bad – Jenin.
Osama Maher Kabaha, Ya’bad – Jenin.
Adnan Zeid Al-Kilani, Ya’bad – Jenin.
Laith Ismael Abu Dahouk, 19, Aqabat Jaber refugee camp – Jericho.
Mohammad Khaled Abu Namous, 24, Aqabat Jaber refugee camp – Jericho.
Yousef Abdullah Khatib, 19, Aqabat Jaber refugee camp – Jericho.
Majd Taleb Akila, 20, Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp – Jericho.
Ayham Sha’er, At-Tour – Jerusalem.
Malek Ajlouni, Al-Ezariya – Jerusalem.
Qussai Ibrahim, Anata – Jerusalem.
Yousef Zahda, Silwan – Jerusalem.
Ezzedin Abdul-Haq – Nablus.
Omar Abdul-Haq – Nablus.
Qassam Kharousha, Askar refugee camp – Nablus.
Mohammad Sadeq Mubarak, 21, Abu Falah – Ramallah.
Mohammad Ahed, Abu Falah – Ramallah.

Mohammad Ibrahim Sabarna, 30, Osama Mohammad Sabarna, 22, Mohammad Mahmoud Sabarna, 21, Mohammad Khalil Al-Allami, 21, detained 3/22/2023
Anas Shadi detained 3/22/2023
Abdullah Al-Qassas detained 3/22/2023
Mazen Mohammad Zawahra detained 3/22/2023
Mousa Sheikh detained 3/22/2023
Ahmad Mahmoud Abu Bakr, Yanal Kamel Abu Shamla, Osama Maher Kabaha, Adnan Zeid Al-Kilanidetained 3/22/2023
Ayham Sha’er detained 3/22/2023
Qussai Ibrahim detained 3/22/2023
Malek Ajlouni detained 3/22/2023
Yousef Zahda detained 3/22/2023
Ezzedin Abdul-Haq and Omar Abdul-Haq detained 3/22/2023
Mohammad Sadeq Mubarak, 21, and Mohammad Ahed detained 3/22/2023
Laith Ismael Abu Dahouk, 19, Mohammad Khaled Abu Namous, 24, and Yousef Abdullah Khatib, 19, detained 3/22/2023
Majd Taleb Akila, 20, detained 3/22/2023
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