
Israeli Soldiers Abduct Several Palestinians In Jerusalem

18:00 Nov 20 2022 Jerusalem's Old City (البلدة القديمة‎, הָעִיר הָעַתִּיקָה‎ ), Shu'fat (شعفاط ) refugee camp, and SIlwan ( سلوان)

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Several Palestinians In Jerusalem
Scene. Screenshot. Published by IMEMC News

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by IMEMC News
Nov 21, 2022

On Sunday evening, Israeli soldiers abducted several Palestinians, including two children, in many parts of occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers assaulted several young Palestinian men and searched them, in Al-Wad Street in the Old City, before abducting Rashed Sabah, Mohammad Abu Sbeih, and Mohammad Daqqaq.

The soldiers also abducted a teenage boy, Amir Refa’ey, from the Shu’fat refugee camp after summing him for interrogation at the military roadblock at the entrance of the refugee camp.

Furthermore, the soldiers abducted two teenage boys, Ibrahim Da’na and Yaza Eskafi, from Silwan town in Jerusalem and released them after a few hours of interrogation.

Also, many army jeeps invaded the Jabal Al-Mokabber village south of Jerusalem, leading to protests, and fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs at several young men who hurled stones and used fireworks at the invading soldiers.

Rashed Sabah, Mohammad Abu Sbeih, and Mohammad Daqqaq detained 11/20/2022
Ibrahim Da’na and Yaza Eskafi detained and later released 11/20/2022
Amir Refa’ey detained 11/20/2022
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