
Israeli Colonizers Attack Palestinians, Burn Lands, Near Ramallah

18:00 Aug 19 2022 al-Mughayyir (المغيّر ) and Turmus Ayya ( ترمسعيّا)

Israeli Colonizers Attack Palestinians, Burn Lands, Near Ramallah
Scene. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Aug 20, 2022

On Friday evening, illegal Israeli colonizers attacked Palestinian farmers and burnt lands in the as-Sahel (Meadow) area between the villages of al-Mughayyir and Turums Ayya, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

Marzouq Abu Na’im, a member of the al-Mughayyir Village Council, said the colonizers burnt farmlands in the as-Sahel area before the Palestinians rushed to extinguish the fire, the Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) said.

Abu Na’im added that the colonizers then assaulted the Palestinians while extinguishing the fire, leading to a scuffle.

The colonizers also cut five Palestinian olive trees and smashed the windshield of one car, in addition to placing rocks on roads leading to Palestinian farmlands and orchards.

Farm land reported burnt, olive trees cut, property vandalized by Israeli settlers 8/19/2022
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