
Updated: “Palestinian Teen Killed By Israeli Fire Near Ramallah”

12:00 Jul 29 2022 al-Mughayyir (المغيّر )

Updated: “Palestinian Teen Killed By Israeli Fire Near Ramallah” Updated: “Palestinian Teen Killed By Israeli Fire Near Ramallah” Updated: “Palestinian Teen Killed By Israeli Fire Near Ramallah” Updated: “Palestinian Teen Killed By Israeli Fire Near Ramallah”
Amjad Nashaat Abu Alia, 16. Published by IMEMC News and Haaretz

Scenes. Published by IMEMC News

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by IMEMC News
July 29, 2022

On Friday, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that a Palestinian teenage boy was killed by Israeli fire in the al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah, and injured several others.

In a statement, the Health Ministry said Amjad Nash’at Abu Alia, 16 years of age, was shot in the chest before being rushed to a hospital in Ramallah but succumbed to his serious wounds.

It added that the soldiers also shot at least one Palestinian with live fire and another young man with a rubber-coated steel bullet, causing many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

While it is a known fact that Amjad was killed by Israeli fire, it remains unclear whether he was killed by Israeli army fire or by a paramilitary colonizer, especially since both fired live rounds at the Palestinians.

According to some reports, Abu Alia was shot by a paramilitary colonizer after the nonviolent procession started from the center of the village.

The head of the al-Mughayyir Village Council told Middle East Eye that Amjad was shot by the colonizers and not the soldiers.

Also, the bullet that killed Amjad was aimed at the upper body, which indicates that it was meant to be lethal.

Meanwhile, the Al-Jazeera News Agency quoted a journalist, Hadi Sabarneh, who was at the scene, stating that both Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers arrived at the protest area, including a colonist who had an M-16 rifle.

“Both the soldiers and the settler were firing at the Palestinian protesters who hurled stones at the army,” he said, “The soldiers and the colonizer opened fire before the teen fell to the ground.”

The spokesperson of the Israeli occupation army said the military was “aware of the reports,” adding that the soldiers “responded after Palestinian protesters hurled stones and burnt tires…” he also said that the Palestinian protesters and Israeli colonizers hurled stones at each other…”

The Palestinians marched on their lands in the village, protesting the ongoing violations and constant colonialist attempts to annex them illegally before Israeli soldiers and colonizers opened fire at them.

The Israeli army also shot at least one other Palestinian with live fire, and one with rubber-coated steel bullets, in addition to causing dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

It is worth mentioning that the illegal colonizers frequently invade the village, especially its lands in Marj ath-Thahab and Ein Samia areas, to build new outposts.

Palestinian Teen Killed by Israeli Military Gunfire in the West Bank, Ramallah Says

Amjad Nashaat Abu Alia, 16, was killed in clashes in the West Bank village of Al-Mughayyir, which has emerged as a recent hotspot for attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians

by Jack Khoury for Haaretz
July 29, 2022

A 16-year-old boy was killed by Israeli military fire in the West Bank village of al-Mughayyir on Friday, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported.

Amjad Nashaat Abu Alia was evacuated to hospital after he was shot in the chest by live fire during a rally which turned into clashes, and was pronounced dead shortly after.

Dr. Laila Ghannam, the governor of Ramallah, said that "we haven't yet investigated the matter deeply, but we witnessed that the gunshot that hit the youth came from the side of the settlers, not from the army.

The Israel Defense Forces' spokesperson said that they are "aware of the claim" that a Palestinian was killed, but did not elaborate.

According to the Israeli army, "hundreds of Palestinians" burnt tires and threw stones toward an Israeli thoroughfare, prompting Israeli forces to respond with "riot dispersal measures and gunfire."

"A short while after, clashes erupted between Palestinians and settlers, which involved throwing stones at one another. The forces worked to restore order and disperse the two sides," the spokesperson added.

Al-Mughayyir, a village east of Ramallah, had emerged as a recent hotspot for attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians.

Palestinian President Mansour Abbas issued a statement condemning "the heinous crime committed by the settlers and the occupation forces," adding that the "Israeli government holds full responsibility for these crimes and for this dangerous escalation."
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