
Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians In West Bank

06:00 Jul 10 2022 Dura (Doura, دورا ), Tammun ( طمّون, Tammoun), and a location east of Tulkarem, near Israel's Einav (עֵנָב, עינב‎ * عيناف) settlement and Kafr al-Labad (كفراللد), Ramin (رامين) and Beit LId. (بيت ليد)

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians In West Bank
Scene. Published by IMEMC News

Akram Bani Odah. Published by IMEMC

by IMEMC News
July 10, 2022

Israeli soldiers abducted, Sunday dawn, five young Palestinian men from several parts of the occupied West Bank.

Several army jeeps invaded Doura town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, searched a few homes, and abducted Abdul-Aziz Walid Sweity.

In Tubas, in the northeastern West Bank, the soldiers invaded Tammoun town, south of the city, before undercover officers stormed the home of former political prisoner Akram Na’im Bani Odah, 38, and kidnapped him.

The Bani Odah family said the soldiers wired and detonated the main door of their home before breaking into the property. The Palestinian is also a former political prisoner who Israel held for at least six years.

The soldiers also abducted one Palestinian believed to be responsible for a shooting targeting Israeli soldiers near the illegal Einav colony, built on lands owned by Palestinians from Kafr al-Lubbad, Ramin, and Beit Lid, east of the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem.

In a statement, the Israeli occupation army said the soldiers “arrested five wanted Palestinians” from several parts of the West Bank.

In related news, Palestinian protesters hurled a pipe bomb at a military gate near Tulkarem, and another pipe bomb at the al-Jalama military roadblock, north of Jenin, in the northern parts of the West Bank.

Abdul-Aziz Walid Sweity detained 7/10/2022
Akram Na’im Bani Odah, 38, detained 7/10/2022
One unidentified Palestinian detained 7/10/2022
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