
Soldiers Abduct Two Children In Bethlehem

18:00 May 4 2022 Aida refugee camp (مخيم عايده)

Soldiers Abduct Two Children In Bethlehem
Scene. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
May 5, 2022

Israeli soldiers abducted, Wednesday evening, two Palestinian children north of Bethlehem, south of occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank.

Local sources said the soldiers invaded the eastern area of ‘Aida refugee camp before abducting two children, Haitham Lutfi Da’amsa, 13, and Akram Jaber al-A’raj, 14.

After abducting them, the soldiers took the two abducted children to a military base near Bethlehem.

The soldiers also stopped and interrogated several Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In related news, the Israeli army abducted a young Palestinian man who reportedly breached the perimeter fence in the southern part of the Gaza Strip and took him to an interrogation facility.
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