
Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians In Hebron

06:00 Dec 7 2021 Beit Kahil ( بيت كاحل), Toba village in Masafer Yatta (مسافر يطا), and al-Karameh crossing

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians In Hebron
Scene. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Dec 7, 2021

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Tuesday at dawn, five young Palestinian men from Hebron governorate, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers invaded Beit Kahil town, northwest of Hebron, and abducted Hamza Abdul-Mahdi Zohour, 27, after storming his home and ransacking it.

The soldiers also invaded and searched several homes in the town, one of them owned by a relative of Hamza, identified as Saadi Zohour, leading to property damage.

Furthermore, the soldiers invaded Toba village, in the Masafer Yatta area south of Hebron, searched homes, and abducted Yousef Omar Abu Jundiyya, 22, Radwan Ibrahim Abu Jundiyya, 30, and Jabr Ibrahim Ali Awad, 38.

The soldiers also abducted Bassem Younis Masalma, from Beit Awwa town, southwest of Hebron, while returning to the West Bank through the al-Karama border terminal with Jordan.

In addition, the soldiers invaded many neighborhoods in Hebron city, and installed several roadblocks in several parts of the city in addition to the roads leading to Sa’ir and Halhoul towns, before stopping and searching dozens of cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

Hamza Abdul-Mahdi Zohour, 27, detained 12/7/2021
Yousef Omar Abu Jundiyya, 22, Radwan Ibrahim Abu Jundiyya, 30, and Jabr Ibrahim Ali Awad, 38, from Toba village, detianed 12/7/2021
Bassem Younis Masalma, from Beit Awwa, detained 12/7/2021
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