
Prison Authority Imposes Heavy Fines on Prisoners, says Ministry

12:00 Feb 29 2012 Ramallah

RAMALLAH, February 29, 2012 (WAFA) – The Israeli Prison Administration has imposed thousands of dollars in fines on Palestinian prisoners for the most trivial reason, the Ministry of Prisoners said Wednesday.

It said one prisoner, Mohammad Abed Rabbo, who is serving a 17-year prison sentence since 2004, was fined over $3600 that the prison authority automatically deducts from his prison bank account as a punishment for whatever act of protest he carries out.

Families of prisoners normally deposit money in a special prison account for their sons that would allow them to buy food or other stuff from the prison canteen.

The Ministry said the prison authority takes the liberty to seize whatever amount it sees fit from the prisoners’ accounts to punish them if they participate in hunger strike or any other form of protest.

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