
Soldiers Shoot A Palestinian And Abduct Him Near Qalqilia

08:00 Oct 13 2021 near Azzoun (Azzun, عزّون)

Soldiers Shoot A Palestinian And Abduct Him Near Qalqilia
Scene. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Oct 13, 2021

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Wednesday morning, a young Palestinian man after shooting him near Azzoun town, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia. The soldiers also assaulted a man near Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem.

Media sources said the soldiers invaded an area near Azzoun, leading to protests before the army fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

They added that the soldiers shot Mohammad Hussein Falah, 22, with a live round in the leg, before abducting him.

In addition, the soldiers assaulted Ahmad Ezzat Shakarna, 53, from Nahhalin town, west of Bethlehem, while crossing into the southern area of the al-Jab’a area, south of the city, causing cuts and bruises to various parts of his body.

On Wednesday at dawn, the soldiers abducted four Palestinians, including two teenage boys, from their homes in several parts of Bethlehem governorate.

In related news, several Israeli police officers, including undercover forces, abducted a Palestinian man after smashing the windows of his car and breaking into it while he was listening to music and broadcasting live on Facebook.
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