
Israeli Army Kills Palestinian, arrests dozens after Qalandiya demonstrations today

20:37 Feb 24 2012 Qalandiya

from Twitter

George Hale ‏ @georgehale
Hospital confirming that Palestinian protester Talat Ramia, shot during clashes in Qalandia, died in surgery tonight

joseph dana ‏ @ibnezra
eyewitness account “@JalalAK_jojo: Tear gas wasn't used much today, but the use of snipers was intensive at Qalandia!"

joseph dana ‏ @ibnezra
The Israeli army killed one Palestinian, arrested dozens after demonstrations today in Hebron, Jerusalem and Qalandia

Jalal ‏ @JalalAK_jojo
BREAKING NEWS: Tal'at Ramia from Qalandia has died in Ramallah hospital now after being shot with live bullet at Qalandia today

joseph dana ‏ @ibnezra
According to @farouri, a 25 year Palestinian was killed at Qalandia today. Any other confirmation of this?

joseph dana ‏ @ibnezra
Can Israel control it's extremists that want to take over the Temple Mount/al Asqa Mosque?

joseph dana ‏ @ibnezra
The footage of clashes from Jerusalem's old city is shocking and scary. Feels like everyone is playing with fire this week.
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