
Palestinian Dies In Al-Maskobiyya Israeli Interrogation Facility

18:00 Jul 21 2021 al-Moscobiyeh detention center and interrogation center, Jerusalem

Palestinian Dies In Al-Maskobiyya Israeli Interrogation Facility
Abdo Yousef Khatib Tamimi, 43. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
July 22,2021

A young Palestinian man died, on Wednesday evening, while being held at the al-Maskobiyya detention center and interrogation facility, in Jerusalem. His family said he was tortured while under interrogation.

Update: July 24th 22:50: Amjad Abu Assab, said that the autopsy was performed with the participation of a Palestinian doctor, and revealed that was severely and continuously beaten by several soldiers.

He added that Abdo asked to be allowed to call his parents to wish them well during the Al-Adha Muslim feast before many soldiers started to assault him.

Abu Assad added that sworn testimonies from other Palestinian detainees revealed that Abdo was assaulted and was tasered while he was handcuffed.


Hasan Abed-Rabbo, the media advisor of the Palestinian Detainees’ Committee, stated that Abdo Yousef Khatib Tamimi, 43, from Shu’fat refugee camp, died while being held at the interrogation center, and added that the young man was taken prisoner, Sunday, due to a traffic citation and because he was driving his car without a driver’s license,

Abed-Rabbo held Israel fully responsible for his death, especially since the interrogation facility did not reveal sufficient information regarding his death, except for claiming that he suffered a heart attack.

The Palestinian was a married father of four children, and his wife is also pregnant.

His cousin said that Abdo was beaten up by the soldiers and added that the army abducted seven of his relatives for protesting his death.

He stated that the family received information from Palestinians who were detained in the same facility, informing them that Abdo was tortured and beaten up by the soldiers during interrogation.

The Tamimi family demanded an autopsy that would be attended by a Palestinian doctor and added that the young man was healthy and that he was tortured, including being subjected to electric shocks.
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